
Friday, July 30, 2010


A bunch of little girls adorned in their fanciest dresses, tiaras, clippity clop sounding shoes and a love for God filled our church this week.  I volunteered as a class leader with my friend Michelle.  I was not quite into this whole "week of being a princess" since we have 2 weeks of vacation coming up and I could have used the time to get ready for being gone....but in the end, it brought me closer to God and made me want my little ones to be a princess for the Lord even more so than ever!  It was fun to watch the girls make their daily crafts and bust out their favorite dance moves all while sparkling for Jesus.

Kinley did great in the nursery and the workers just loved her.  Despite the one night this week that she couldn't sleep thanks to teething, she did great.  

Today I put her hair in pig tails for the first time.  I was so excited to see that it would stay up.  She didn't leave them in long enough for me to grab my camera but I'm certainly going to try again while we are at the beach.  I already can see her in her pink tutu bathingsuit and little piggy tails playing in the sand.  

Tonight we are headed to Conroe for a couples shower for my brother and his fiance' then tomorrow one more wedding shower then vacation starts.  We are off to Port Aransas for the week then from there we will drive to Colorado with my mom.  YUCK, I'm totally dreading the drive.  Hopefully the beach will be fun and sunny weather too!!  I'd better finish up my packing.........


Thursday, July 22, 2010


I was blog hopping today and ran across this post.  I just love all things 'southern'.  Here are my favorite 'southern' things!!

Boys White Jon Jon With Monogram Size 3 mo to 4

and there is no such thing as too big



hey ya'll


Tuesday, July 20, 2010


Today has been "one of those days".  Last night K started running a fever.  Of course it had to be at night because fevers always pop up right at bedtime.  It's like kids' bodies know when all the pedi's are gone and  baths are finished and even mom & dad are all settled in for the night with a trip to the nearest pharmacy far from thier mind.  Well, thank goodness I had some infant Motrin on hand so I dosed K up and put her to bed.  This morning she woke up and was so hot.  I just knew her fever was higher than it was when I put her to bed.  Surely enough, the trusty thermometer read 103.1.  *sigh*  Another dose of Motrin and all my running around I had planned got pushed until, well, later, like when daddy gets home from work and we spend family time... that kind of later.  Toting around a sick baby and her sister just didn't sound like fun.  Plus it was rainy....that never makes for a good day to get errands done.  
SOOOOO, it has been "one of those days" where I snuggle my mommy hungry baby all day with her hot head on my chest hoping that darned fever will break and she will be all better. I will play Candyland again with L until she can play no more.  I will bake cookies with L during nap time so her mommy hungriness is satisfied and then her sweet tooth can be satisfied too. We will eat Stouffer's for dinner because I can finally admit that I can't do it all.  

I hope you all are having a great not "one of those days" day!!!


Thursday, July 15, 2010


ZIP, ZAP, ZING, ZOINK & CAPTAIN ZIRK!!!!!    Our week has been busy with VBS.  It is the last year of the Power Up! theme and L is so sad.  She really thinks these super hero's are real.... like celebrities but super hero's that really go out and do super things.  It has been such fun watching her dance and sing and get so into all the shows.  She has already requested the DVD so I guess i'll be pre-ordering it tomorrow.  This is a pic of her from last year with her favorite super hero.....ZAP!  

This year Zing is the new super hero and although she loves all things rainbow (like L) Zip is L's favorite still.  Zip isn't in the show this year....rumor has it she is having (or already had) a little Zipperoo.

VBS has pretty much filled every day of this week.  I will be glad to get to sleep past 7 again!!  This weekend is fun filled with parties.  Saturday we will celebrate with some special friends as their twins turn 1.  Then Sunday....after the finale of the VBS POWER UP! show.... we will celebrate M's dad's birthday at lunch with the family.    I'll try to remember my camera this time.  

Happy Thurday!

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Sunny Sunday!!

It was our turn to serve in the pre-school department at church this morning and we got to be in L's class.  She loves having us close but tends to be so clingy when we are helping in her class.  I can't believe we managed to all be dressed and out the door by 9:00 this morning.

After church we came home and had lunch.  Whataburger.......thank you for your meal.  I really didn't feel like cooking today.  Matt decided to pull weeds and L had a lemonade stand.  She made a whopping $3 thanks to 4 customers and a very dehydrated daddy.  She is saving all her money for a trampoline.  K and I served as the encourager's to L and daddy and tried not to get too hot.  After I took the girls on a bike ride around the block we all called it quits and came inside to cool down with a game of Candyland and popsicles.

We have our VBS open house tonight and all the kids get to see their rooms and get ready for the fun filled week.  I am the director of L's class this year so I will go up a little early and put up our door decorations and get ready to meet all the munchkins I will be in charge of this week.  L is so excited for VBS and can't wait to meet the new Super Hero!!!  I feel completely unprepared but am praying that by the grace of God I will have it together by tomorrow morning.