OK, I probably won't win mother of the year.....
Here is what happened....
Kinley and I were playing upstairs and I had a shirt being appliqued so I was periodically checking on it to make sure all was well in the sewing world known as the craft room. Kinley snuck her sneaky little self downstairs and I was on my way down the stairs to bring her back up when I saw her starting to stand up on the very bottom step. I looked at her with that motherly look and said "what are you doing?" She lost her balance and toppled backwards and on the way down twisted and she hit her head on the stair post.
I grabbed her and her head was not just trickling a little blood but gushing blood out of her forehead. I somehow managed to get my phone, insurance cards, the diaper bag, my keys, shoes on, back door closed and locked, sewing machine off (because that was real important....right? ) Random act of panic, I think so!
I had Matt on the phone and Kinley in the car and out of the driveway in less than 5 minutes. I swear, I moved so fast I have no idea what order I did anything. All I remember was thinking OH MY GOD, I HAVE TO GET HER TO THE ER!
It was THAT MOMENT, when I had to rush my baby to the hospital. Her face was covered in dried blood and all I could think was how can I keep pressure on her head and drive at the same time. Well, I couldn't. I just drove fast and put on her favorite songs and kept talking to her to keep her awake. I think I looked back at her more that I looked at the road. Thank You GOD for keeping us safe and getting us to the ER!
20 minutes later we were sitting in the ER looking like this...
The numbing medicine was on and we were in for a LONG wait before the stitches were put in. ER waits are the worst. It didn't seem that busy but we waited over an hour before the NP came back in and did the stitches. 8 stitches to be exact.
Here she is after the stitches. That tear falling from her eye just says it all.
Today the wound looks really good. Well, as good as a wound closed with 8 stitches can be. I think the NP did a great job and I am praying with all my might that it won't scar too bad.
Kinley has been a trooper too. We had a gauze pad taped over the area all day Tuesday and most of Wednesday and she never even tried to poke or pull at it. Her Dr. called Wednesday and told me I could leave the gauze off and to come back on Monday to get the stitches out. I'm not looking forward to having to hold her down again but I will be glad to have her stitches out.
On a better note, Kinley is doing amazing with potty training. Actually I think she is done with the training part and can be considered TRAINED!!! I still put her in a diaper at night but the past few mornings she has been dry. I'm not sure when I'll brave putting her in panties all night but it will be soon enough. Just not too soon...I don't like washing sheets every night.
And in the sewing world, the one that was in full motion when Kinley hit her head, I am working on making all the little cousins matching shirts for Thanksgiving!!
Here is Kinley showing her shirt off before her big fall. Yes, that is what she wore to the ER and YES, I was able to get ALL the blood stains off the shirt.
Speaking of cousins. My cousin came down last week and I appliqued some shirts for her little boy. It was so fun to have her down and to let our kids play. Here are some pics from our cousin sleepover....
A few of the shirts I did for Morton. The pie one is my favorite. It's a
Planet Applique. design. I love the plaid and we used chenille for the whipped cream topping. SUPER CUTE! I want to make a chocolate pie one for my girls!!
Morton and Kinley are both potty training too so we spent alot of time here.....
Morton was cheering for Kinley (Kinnee is what he calls her)!!! They did great and NO accidents!
Before we said goodbye, we took the kids to the park to run off some energy. They had such a great time. I wish I could post all the pics but here are a few of my favorites!!
That's about all....I think! I'm finishing up London's turkey shirt and then headed to bed. I'll post pics when I have both girls wearing their shirts.
Good night!!