WHEW... The past week has been full of unexpected excitement!
On Thursday we welcomed the newest addition to our family...
Holland Gale McWilliams
6# 13oz 19" long born at 4:28pm!!
A little background....
Monday I had my 37 week appointment and the doc did a scheduled sonogram just to check that Holland was head down and getting ready for delivery. Well, after seeing that she was head down the doc thought her head looked a little smaller than expected, not abnormally small, but it didn't take up the whole screen like she was expecting and she didn't see as many pockets of amniotic fluid as she would have liked. She scheduled another sonogram with the sonogram people for Thursday and said we would do more measurements then and see what that sonogram showed us. She asked questions about my other two pregnancies and sent us on our way.
i came home. Called my mom and had a minor meltdown thinking I was going to have yet another tiny baby (London was 4# 7oz at 38 weeks).
Thursday came and the sonogram showed that Holland was measuring right on track and wasn't small for a 37 week baby BUT, my fluid level was low. The doc looked over the sonogram results and gave us two options....
{1} head to L & D and deliver or
{2} come back and repeat a sonogram in 72 hours and if my fluid was still low (apparently it can fluctuate day to day depending on how hydrated or dehydrated you are) BUT, my doc wasn't on call and if I still had low fluid I would have to deliver with a doc I had never met.. or heard of.
We decided it was best to go ahead and deliver right then. I wanted my doc to deliver me and even though I had hopes of going into labor on my own, she reassured me the sonogram results showed that Holland looked good and would be a decent size.
Matt and I left the doctors office and made some phone calls to family and got a plan for getting the girls taken care of. Luckily my friend that had Kinley was able to keep her until my brother made it down to get her. He ended up picking London up from school too. After all the calls were made and I knew the girls were taken care of I headed to L & D and sent Matt to get my bag (thank goodness it was packed) and he ran to his office to pick up some work. Before I knew it my mom and brother were on their way!!
I got to L & D about 10:15 and they didn't waste any time. I got my IV, and labs were drawn right away. By 11:15 the nurse had started pitocin and the doc came in and broke my water not too long after that. I thought it would take a while to start having contractions but they started alot quicker than expected. Matt and my mom and brother were on their way to my room by this point!! About 2 I got my epidural and it was smooth sailing from there. I'll wrap this up quick.... I was 6cm at 3:50 and Holland was out with only 2 pushes at 4:28!!
Our hospital stay was short and sweet. We were in the car headed home 25 hours after I delivered. We took Holland to the pediatrician for a follow up on Saturday morning and have enjoyed being home. We've had lots of help from my mom and lots of visitors and dinners being delivered. This whole experience kind of makes me want to do it all over again.... only if I am assured it will be just as easy :)