
Wednesday, July 20, 2011


So, I realized I hardly ever talk about my pregnancy on here.  Yes, I am definitely still pregnant and all is going well and pretty uneventful ..... thank goodness.

Today I had the fun 28 week visit.  It was full of 'stuff', I felt like I needed a check list to make sure I had everything done before I left.

Here's how it went

I arrived at 11 and was handed the dreaded bottle of orange juice, orange sugar water, flat orange soda, well whatever you want to call that orange stuff you have to drink for the glucose test.  I was told I had 3 minutes to drink it.  YUCK.  It actually didn't taste terrible but I am not one who can sit and drink a whole can of anything at once.... so guzzling down a bottle of orange sugary flat soda juice wasn't exactly fun.... but I did it.

Matt arrived just as I took my last drink {check off #1: drink orange stuff}

Luckily we were called back for a sonogram {check off #2: sonogram} and got to see our sweet girl.  Everything looked great and my placenta had moved further away from my cervix as hoped.  That was the whole reason for another sonogram was to check my placenta since it was low and a little too close to my cervix at my 20 week sonogram.  The sono tech checked all her organs and the important stuff, measured alot of things and everything looked great.

Holland must have known we were looking at her because she was posing.  She had her hand under her chin..  ha ha!!

Matt left to go back to work after the sonogram and I waited some more......  DING!!, 12:00 and my 1 hour was up and I had to get my blood drawn.  {check off #3:  blood draw}

That took all of a few minutes and I was back in the waiting room.  Finally I was called back to see the dr. The nurse came in and gave me my rhogam shot {check off #4: rhogam shot}, did my vitals and was out the door.  The dr. came in about 10 minutes later... She was pleased with the sonogram results and I had no questions so luckily I was out the door.

I have to go back every 2 weeks now until I'm 35 weeks.  I hope the last 12 weeks are smooth sailing and comfortable :)

OK, so there you have it.... a pregnancy update......finally


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