
Sunday, August 22, 2010

18 months!!

My sweet Kinley girl.  You are 18 months old today.

You are doing so much now and still as sweet and easy going as ever.

You are doing baby sign language all the time and I can teach you a new sign almost daily.  You can, cat, eat, all done, thank you, please, I'm sorry, airplane, flower, close your eyes, sleep/bed, hungry, elephant, fish, Jesus, doctor, cookie, cracker, cheese, banana, apple, hurt, more, bird, music, blanket, table, cupcake, O's, star, ball, milk, water, up, down, out, baby, mommy, daddy
Sometimes you even try to finger spell and it cracks me up watching you work your little fingers into imaginary letters.

You know pretty much all your body parts and can say their names and point to the correct one!!

You sleep about 11 hours at night and take one nap that usually lasts about 2 hours - 2.5 hours.

You love to color...especially with markers and you really LOVE to color on yourself.  

You can talk up a storm.  My favorite words you say are...
baa-beet (blanket)
wok (rock)   you say this alot at night when I'm trying to put you in your bed
lallo (yellow or color)
nak (snack)
die (yes)
na-nee (nana)
naa-naa (night night)
ba (bed/ball)
la-lu (love you)
dee-da (London)

You can say so many more words and I never have to guess what you want.  Between your vocabulary and your sign language, you always get your point across.  

You have been teething for a few weeks now and your 2 teeth on the bottom (next to the middle ones) finally broke through.  I think there are 2 more coming in too.  I'll be glad once all your teeth are in.  

You were the cutest baby flower girl ever in Cody and Gogie's wedding.  London dropped rose petals down the aisle and you picked up and held one single petal in your outstretched hand as if you wanted the world to see it.  

I love you forever my sweet baby.  It is such a joy to watch you grow up.  Just don't grow up too fast.

Love, Mommy


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