
Tuesday, December 28, 2010


Kinley Girl....

You are 22 months now...

this pic was 3 days before you turned 22 months

Wow, you have changed so much over the past few months.

You are just enough too big for 18 months clothes but the 24 months/2T are a little big.  You wear a size 6W shoe and size 2T panties :)

Your hair is finally starting to grow out a little more and doesn't look as much like a mullet (ha ha)  as before!!  I still love putting your hair in piggy tails!

You are sleeping about 12 hours at night and take an afternoon nap that usually lasts about 2 hours....sometimes more.

The biggest milestone you have reached is potty training.  You actually have been potty trained since before Halloween.  I don't remember exactly when it was but somewhere around your 20 month mark, you started pulling your diaper off and would not keep it on.  You loved playing in London's room and pulling all her socks and panties out of her drawer.  I started letting you wear panties just for fun and you would want like 10 pair on at a time.  You call them panes, like window panes.  You got the hang of the whole - go in the potty- thing and are now even in panties at night...and you have been for 6 weeks or so.  You amazed me and really really surprised me with this whole potty training thing.  I never in my life thought l would have a baby potty trained completely at 22 months.  WOW!!

You love Elmo.  He is probably your favorite right now.  You like Dora and Mickey Mouse too but not as much as Elmo.  You will even sing the Elmo's World song.

You watch London like a hawk and mimic everything she does.  Every morning when I brush her hair she says 'ouch' and now when I brush your hair you say 'ouch, ouch' and I know for sure I'm not hurting you.

You have no problem telling us what  you want or need and are speaking more and more like a big girl every day.  You used to say 'die' for 'yes' and now you say 'yea peese'.

I love you more and more every day and love our special time at bedtime.  I love that you still let me rock you before bed and I love when you chime in to our bedtime songs.  I can't believe that in just 2 short months we will be celebrating your 2nd birthday.

You are my sweet sweet Kinley Girl and I love you!!  Happy 22 months!!

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