
Tuesday, December 14, 2010


We took a quick trip to the ranch with a few friends this weekend and had a blast.  Even though we didn't get there until 11 we got the fire started and the night, or should I say morning, started and didn't end until 4:30 a.m.  I haven't been up that late in a really long time, and when i was, it probably involved nursing a baby :)

Matt and I haven't had that much time away from the girls since Kinley was born so it was a much needed adult weekend!!

Saturday we took everyone to one of the caves and we all crawled in and looked around.  It was a little creepy but pretty cool at the same time.  There were bats in there too which really freaked me out.

Matt and I in the cave

 Lisa, me & Eimear

 the boys & Eimear  by the fire

group picture in the cave

London and Kinley got to spend the weekend with Nana and had a blast.  London had 2 birthday parties to go to and my mom was such a trooper and took her (and Kinley) to both parties.  Here are the gifts I did for the birthday girls.

 London came home from school today and asked if I could do one for each kid in her class.  I told her I would love to but that it would be easier if I just did a shirt as a birthday gift for any parties she was invited to.  That seemed to satisfy her.  

Nana also took the girls to see Tangled and they had donuts for breakfast, went to get ice cream and also managed to get a few early Christmas treats.  

I am hoping to get the girls Christmas outfits done this week....  Nothing like waiting till the last minute, huh!!

And on a side note.....

Last week I was busy doing shirts for my mom.  Here they are with the birthday shirts I mentioned earlier.....

and I have 2 more to do for her this week then I am done!!


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