
Thursday, March 24, 2011


Spring break came and went and it was great having nothing to do and just relaxing!

We really did nothing the first part of the week.  We had thrown around the idea of going to Sea World and then the ranch for a few days but all London wanted to do was go to the beach.

We finally headed to the beach Thurs. afternoon and had a great time.  My mom went with us and made the day extra fun!!  The girls loved having her there....especially Kinley since she sat in Nana's lap the entire time we were at the beach.  She wanted nothing to do with the ocean or sand.  I thought for sure she would love digging in the sand since she loves the sand box at home but I was wrong.

Yes, Kinley is wearing London's swim suit from when she was 2....I'm in the process now of taking 'London' off and putting 'Kinley' on!!

London on the other hand is such a little beach girl.  
She built sand castles and got buried in the sand, 

walked the jetty with me, 

and relaxed in the sun...just long enough for a snack!

There were tons of jelly fish but that didn't stop us from having a fun time :)

After we had had enough of the sand we went to a shell shop and let the girls look around then finished the night off at Rainforest Cafe!!  They had so many things going on that made the wait go by fast.  We rode the river ride and the girls played a few games then we headed in for dinner.  

We were exhausted from our day trip to the beach on Friday and just relaxed at home.  Saturday Matt took a much needed break from work and we took the girls to the rodeo exhibits and carnival.  

We started off with some good rodeo food for lunch...with 150,000 people there that day there wasn't a place to sit and we improvised!!

The girls loved the petting zoo.  Kinley especially loved the chickens!!

After the exhibits and petting zoo we headed out to the carnival and the real fun began.  

Matt was such a trooper getting on most of the rides with the girls.  

A snack break...

and then we were DONE!!

Lets just say that it was a great day....even if Matt went in to the office after we got home.

Spring break was so fun and I can't wait for summer!!  School is back full force and the schedule is back in place....except for Monday morning when I woke up at 7:40 and realized I forgot to set my alarm.  OOPS!!  I told you I wasn't ready for spring break to be over.  :)

For the record, I got London up and dressed in 15 minutes and we weren't a second late for school!


Wednesday, March 16, 2011


Better late than never, right?  I've been in such a non-blogging mood lately but I'm going to try my best to do a decent update.

 Not a whole lot has been going on and life is pretty much the same except for the fact that we have 'gone public' about our newest little one....due to arrive October 8, 2011!!!

We are thrilled and can't wait to meet baby #3!!  I just need to figure out where this baby is going to go once he/she makes his/her arrival.  I always keep my babies in my room for about 4-6 months (a long time I know) but since we only have 3 bedrooms upstairs I need to figure out if I'm going to let 2 kids share a room or let them each have their own room.  London has said she wants Kinley in her room but I know she could change her mind any minute.  I have no idea where I would put all the stuff from the 3rd bedroom if I were to give the baby that room.

We went to the rodeo and saw Sugarland and had a great time.  It was a total surprise and last minute plans and despite not being able to find a sitter we dressed up the girls and just took them with us.  They had a great time and loved watching the rodeo....and Sugarland.  We did take pics...  here are a few!

Today the girls and I met a sweet friend and her twin girls for a play date.  We tried out a new park then headed to Johnny Carino's for a yummy lunch.  I packed my camera but didn't have much time to take pics.  With a 6 year old and 3 kids 2 and under, us mommies were chasing little ones all over!!  We had a great time and it has been a long time since we got together so it was great to catch up on life with each other.

Tomorrow we are hoping to head to the beach for a couple of days.  I can't believe spring break is half over.  :(


Tuesday, March 1, 2011


We had a family party for Kinley on Saturday.  Very simple and low key but the kids had fun and that's all that matters.  I added another candle to her birthday banner!!

Kinley wasn't one bit interested in opening presents.....she wanted to blow bubbles instead.  After a little fit of being taken away from the bubbles she sat while London opened her gifts.  I'm pretty sure that is how London wanted it anyways.  

I made Kinley some Elmo overalls for her party and London and I made Elmo cake pops (they turned out looking like possessed Elmo) and we made some cupcakes too!!  Mom brought Elmo cookies that were to die for!!  

Here are all the cousins playing in the sand box

And here are my favorite pics of the birthday girl!!!
