
Sunday, February 12, 2012


So last Tuesday was Kinley's first day of preschool.  Thankfully we had been up to the school to tour on Thursday, pay registration on Friday, and turn in paper work Monday so she was pretty familiar with the place!  She did amazing...and I can't believe I didn't shed a tear.  It took just a little bit of convincing her to go in her room but she waved bye to me with a smile.  I had forgotten her snack so when I went back to her class she was playing and looked like she was having a good time.  I just had to So last Tuesday was Kinley's first day of preschool.  Thankfully we had been up to the school to tour on Thursday, pay registration on Friday, and turn in paper work Monday so she was pretty familiar with the place!  She did amazing...and I can't believe I didn't shed a tear.  It took just a little bit of convincing her to go in her room but she waved bye to me with a smile.  I had forgotten her snack so when I went back to her class she was playing and looked like she was having a good time.  I just had to  snap a pic!! Not the best quality but a sweet reminder to me that day that she was o.k.!!

London had written her a note and put it in her bag before she left for school Tuesday morning.  I had to make Matt read it to Kinley.... I started crying before I finished the second line.  Although London can be a little toot sometimes, this just reassures me that she loves her little sister so much.  I hope she always watches out for Kinley and is there for her!  

"Kinley, I hope you have a great first day.  Don't be scared.  Meet new friends. 
 You're a big girl now.  Me and you both go to school.  Love, London

 Here is my sweet sweet right before we said goodbye!  

And.... a few pics of her bag and nap mat.  I only had part of her bag finished for her first day and hadn't even started her nap mat cover.  Thankfully I was able to finish everything for Thursday.


Thursday, February 9, 2012


I've been trying to decide on what preschool to put Kinley in for next year.  I had my mind made up and then found out we would be out of town the day of registration.  BUT.. a friend of mine used to work at the preschool I wanted so she convinced me to take a tour even though I would miss registration.  I took Kinley up to tour the school and talked to the director.  I explained the situation about us being out of town the day of registration and pretty much walked out with no hope of getting her in for next year.  It was a long shot but I asked if there was an open spot now and asked if I enrolled her now if I would have a spot for next year.  There was not a spot.  :(  I went home and started going over the other schools on our list.  This all happened on Thursday.

Friday came and we were getting packed up to head to the ranch and I get a call from my friend telling me the director called and said they had a spot for Kinley to start on the following Tuesday.  YIKES!!  She could have the spot IF we came that day and paid 1/2 the registration for the year, February tuition, AND registration for next year (since she would be considered a current student we were able to register for next year before Sat.)  I made a quick call to Matt with the grand total and he said YES!!  Sooo....My decision to start her in preschool next year was just forced to change and put her in in a few days.

In the mean time... 15 minutes before our friends were arriving to meet up and head to the ranch I get a call saying my grandmother was dying.  We had been called to come to the nursing home on Thursday but after my mom went up and assessed my grandmother, she said she was talking and didn't seem too bad.  Well, Friday things made a quick turn for the worse and we switched gears and headed to the nursing home.  BUT, on our way out we ran by the preschool and paid for Kinley to start and got all the necessary paper work for her.

We headed to the ranch after spending some time at the nursing home and got there about 2am.  Saturday night I got a call saying my grandmother had passed away.  I was so sad for my dad.  I can't and don't want to imagine what it is like to lose your mom.

We headed home Sunday and got the run down on what was to expect as far as the memorial for my grandma. There will be a memorial Friday and lunch with family afterwards.

I had lots to do for Kinley's first day so I got to work on her bag.

Monday Matt ran by a teacher supply close to his office and picked up a nap mat.  I sent her to school with an unfinished bag and a bare nap mat and a blanket.  Thankfully I finished the bag and nap mat cover Tuesday afternoon and all day Wednesday.

I'm tackling the growing pile of laundry today and hoping to get my sewing room in order before Monday. Tomorrow is my grandmothers memorial and we have a Saturday full of parties.  I'm exhausted already.


Wednesday, February 8, 2012


We did alot of running around last week.  Holland's 4 month check up on Wednesday.... after we had to reschedule it earlier in the week, and then the big girls had dentist appointments at separate times on Friday.  Needless to say, I spent alot of time in waiting rooms last week.  

Since we had been scheduled for the wrong appointment the first time we went for Holland's check up, we made the most of being by some stores not so close to home.  I got my boots then right next door is a teacher supply store.  London loves doing workbooks so I grabbed a few for her and got a pre-school one for Kinley.  We've been looking for a preschool to start her in next year and I thought a workbook would be fun for her to do.  Well, and she loves doing anything London does.  She surprised me with her tracing skills.  Now just about every page in both of her books are traced.

Both girls checked out great at the dentist.  NO CAVITIES!!! YAY!!  

After school we ran around and stopped at the cookie place for some ice cream.  Yes, we did buy some cookies too :)  My mom had come down to help watch the girls while I was at the dentist with London so she tagged along and spent the afternoon with us.  I found my dress for the rehearsal dinner too!  

Back tracking to Wednesday when we went BACK for Holland's 4 month appointment I stopped by Sam Moon for some jewelry to go with my new dress.  I couldn't resist clipping on a fake pony tail to Kinley.  I think we might be getting one for her to wear at the wedding.  Poor girl has such thin hair and we need lots of curls for the wedding :)

Holland had to eat before we drove back home so thankfully there was a Babies R' Us next to Sam Moon and Kinley was able to run around the nursing room while I fed.

(I was not asked to write the following...)
OK... and my new hobby ... if you can call it that after 2 weeks.....RUNING!  After last weeks crazy idea to start running I made a goal to do a 5K.  I found this great app on my phone, downloaded it and made up my mind to finish it.  I'm only on week two of eight... and so far I'm still enjoying it.  I am someone who hated to run, always quit at the first pain in my side and just never thought it was fun. But this program is a great.  I downloaded some fun cardio/workout music and can play my own songs while the app is going and the trainer talks over your own music.  

I'm sure there will be days that I want to quit and that I feel like I want to die after the run but I'm determined to finish.  My dad was a marathon runner and I think of him every time I run.  I can't wait for my first 5K.  I want him to be there for sure.


Wednesday, February 1, 2012


This past weekend Matt went to my future brother-in-laws bachelor party.  Sooooo... it was just me and the girls.  Friday I got London from school and we had a low key afternoon playing.  I always keep dinner simple when Matt is gone so we had quesadillas.  I bathed the girls early and they wanted to snuggle on the couch and watch a movie.  I was glad for bedtime to come and somehow managed to get all 3 asleep by 9.  Not too bad considering Matt usually helps out with getting K and L settled.

Saturday we got up and dressed and Matt's mom came over.  We all went to Rainforest Cafe for lunch then strolled around the mall for a little while.  I lucked out and found a few spring/summer dresses for the girls and Grandma let them pick out a toy.

We came home and I left again to do some returns.  It was great to get out without any kids.  It's amazing how much more I can get done :)

Sunday I got the girls up and dressed for church and picked up donuts on the way.  I was a little worried that Kinley and Holland wouldn't do well in the nursery since we have been out of church for a while but they both did great!!  I told Kinley she was going to 'church school' and let her wear her back pack in.  She loved it and walked right in her class with no problem.  I had planned on keeping Holland with me during our Bible Study class but ended up taking her to the nursery about 1/2 way through so she could nap and finish eating.  She did great and was all smiles when I picked her up.

We headed to lunch with our small group at a neat burgers/bbq place.  The food was great and they had a big field for the kids to run in and a sandbox and pony rides.  I wish Matt had been with us so we could stay longer but I couldn't keep and eye on 2 kids running around while trying to feed Holland too.

Matt got home shortly after we did Sunday afternoon and we geared up for the upcoming week.

Monday morning came with a big surprise.... what may be my new hobby.... running :)  I ran and came home to get ready for Holland's 4 month check up... only to find out that they had us scheduled for her 2 month check up WITH THE WRONG DOCTOR! So.... we rescheduled and since I needed to get some boots for my sisters rehearsal dinne,r we stopped by Cavendars and picked up these....

Image Detail

I finished all the wedding programs too!!!  Well..... except the 30 that my mom thinks will be needed.

That wraps up the weekend and Monday.  I'll get Tues and Wed post up soon!
