
Monday, October 17, 2011


I've been slacking on my blog lately.  Life with 3 kids is .... well ... busy, but a good busy.  My arms are tied up more now... if I'm not holding Holland or breastfeeding I'm helping London with homework or playing critters, pet shop, ponies, or doing something with Kinley.  I'm finally adjusted to having 3 kids and life feels normal again.

We were pretty low key the first week home but I got cabin fever BAD and couldn't stand staying home so we have slowly started venturing out.  I have tackled going out solo with all 3 girls and Matt has had to work late several nights and I had to do bedtime solo for the first time too.  Luckily Holland cooperated and wasn't too fussy on the nights Matt had to work late.

Our Sunday school class has been so great and several people have brought dinner over.  My mom came several nights the first week Holland was home and helped out with dinner and bedtime.  Matt's mom came and cleaned and helped out last week and my mom is back with us this weekend since Matt is taking a trip to the ranch.  We've had lots of friends come visit too and get to meet Holland.

Holland has had her first trip to Target, Nana's, Hobby Lobby, Wal-Mart and HEB.  I forgot how much space the car seat takes up in the shopping cart so our shopping trips are quick and we walk out with only a few things.  I got a new Baby K'Tan sling today though so I will start using that to put Holland in and free up some shopping cart space!!!  I loved my Baby K'tan with Kinley and knew it was a must have with Holland.

Kinley at Target... she insisted on wearing her princess dress and "tee-ar-e-uh"

Life with 3 is fun.... I love seeing our girls interact and play and care for each other.  London and Kinley are great big sisters and I haven't seen one bit of jealousy towards Holland.  I'm sure there will be moments that are hard... sibling rivalry is bound to kick in at some already has a little and usually about minor things...between Kinley and London... but right now they are all both so sweet to Holland and such a little team when it comes to comforting her and helping mommy.

the night I tackled bedtime with all 3 solo!!

Kinley has taken the role of diaper go-getter.  She takes her job very seriously and gets mad if I go get a diaper before asking if she wants to do it first.  Sometimes she will even bring 2 diapers and tell me which one is better.  She is so loving towards Holland and will look at her and say "I just love her" "Baby Holland is so cute!"  It just melts my heart.  She wants to hold Holland all throughout the day and kisses on her the whole time :)

London feels so 'big' and loves that she can stand up and hold Holland and has even walked around with her... which really makes her feel special.  She loves holding her and has really stepped up in helping out with helping Kinley.  She is so interested in how Holland is growing and changing each day.

What else have we been up to....

Kinley has been up to ..... 
finding my lipstick!

London has been up to...
starting violin lessons and she loves it!!

Holland has been up to...
making faces!

 And we've all been up to...
Going to the pumpkin patch....

and we came home and let the girls paint their pumpkins

Trying new recipes...
chicken pot pie muffins... so easy and the girls loved them.  
(I found the recipe on Pinterest... my new addiction :)

...and a little sewing/embroidery/appique

bath robes I monogrammed for my sisters wedding party.... can you say spa day!!!

halloween shirt for Morton

candy corn pillowcase dress for my cutie!!
(saw this on Pinterest!)

I think that just about sums up the past 3 weeks.

  Happy Monday everyone!!


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