
Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Wow!!  What a week.

We finished the first week of school with all smiles........and a few more tears.......but mostly smiles.   I think I'm going to survive now.

London came home excited everyday and had so much to talk about.  New friends, PE, art, music, recess, who she sat by at lunch, and all things that are important to a new Kindergartner!!  After day 3 of school the kids were on their own in the mornings.  I couldn't walk her to her class anymore.  It was hard.  It was real hard to let her get out of the car without me.  The first day was rough, like reliving the first day of school.  She was crying, begging me not to make her get out and go to school and I was in tears at the thought of how scared she was.  BUT, the music teacher came to the rescue and I drove away.  The next day was a bit better.  Still some tears but not as many.  Friday was even better and I knew that slowly but surely the two of us would be able to confidently part ways with a simple hug, kiss, and I love you.

I was so excited for the weekend.  I got to have both of my girls at the same time all day long for 2 whole days.   Matt had a trip to the ranch planned for some time with a group of archeology enthusiasts.  He REALLY enjoys arrowhead hunting at the ranch and jumped at the chance to shadow some people that really knew what they were doing.  I was going to take the girls to my parents house and have a fun weekend swimming and hanging out with my mom, sister, brother and new sister in law.  Oh, and to use my mom's computer to download more applique designs.  BUT, Saturday morning came and London was in such a grumpy mood.  We had warned her many times while we were packing to 'change her attitude' and 'be kind'.  Well, she didn't listen and I ended up unpacking our stuff and staying home.  I WAS NOT about to get in the car with a grouchy winey 5 year old who was attacking everyone and for some reason couldn't stand to be around her baby sister.  Thankfully, her attitude changed and the whole rest of the day she was so sweet and fun to be with.

Sunday we skipped church packed a picnic lunch in a real picnic basket and went to the zoo.  It was really fun to get out with the girls and just have mommy-daughter time.

It was HOT but we found every misting fan in our path and managed to have a good time.  London wanted to take the wagon so she and Kinley could ride together and they ended up pulling/pushing the wagon together half the time.  London doesn't look to thrilled to be pulling but I promise it was her choice, not mine.

Kinley loved seeing all the animals and tried to say the names and sounds of each one. Of course she pointed at every bird at the zoo too and said "bir" while signing.

London loved hearing all the facts about the animals and I tried to make sure she had some sort of educational experience at each animal we saw.  We didn't see many animals though, they were all snoozing in the furthest corner from us.  I don't blame them though, it was HOT!!!

Sunday night I was on my own again and got the girls bathed and in bed.

Monday was good. London went back to school and had a great day.  She got out of the car great and had a little help making it to her class.  No tears for us though.....I did circle around to make sure she made it in the school though.  She brought home her first homework assignment (yes the have homework in Kindergarten) and finished it all by herself.  Writing your name is hard work you know.  ha ha!!!

Matt came home Monday night. He shared his 'archeology' experience with us and was already chomping at the bit to get back to the ranch again.

Now it is Tuesday.  London did phenomenal this morning, she got right out of the car after our hug and kiss and made it to her class with NO help.  She was so proud of herself and so was I.  Kinley and I ran errands, got our groceries for the week and played at the park for a while before picking up London.  Our afternoon consisted of more name writing homework  and more playtime in the water hose after dinner.  We ended the night with a good batch of chicken spaghetti and baths.

Now Kinley is up...I don't know why.  Better go for now.

Tomorrow is hump day!!

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