
Wednesday, October 13, 2010


So I'm doing it.  I'm potty training Kinley.  I know it seems like it is way too early, and it may be,  but she is doing great!  I'm not getting my hopes up that this will be the one and only time I have to do this.  I know she is young (19 months) and that there is a big chance she may not stick with this.  But mainly I am trying it because SHE is the one giving me the signs that she is ready.

For weeks now she has been taking off her diaper and delivering it to me with a smile.  And, she has been wanting to wear panties like London. She would go in London's drawer and pull out all the panties and start putting them on.  After putting them on she would walk around like she was so proud of herself.  

So, I pulled out some of London's first panties (man those things are tiny) and put them on K for a short time each day.  Sometimes she would stay dry and other times she didn't make it.  No big deal, I was doing it more for her entertainment than anything.  I had no intentions of potty training her then.  BUT, after fighting with her to keep her diaper on I figured I would just give the panties a try full time for a few days and well, so far so good.  I still put a diaper over her panties for trips to the store, naps, and bedtime but so far she has stayed dry most of the time during those times too.

She is rewarded with 2 M&M's if she goes 'tee tee' or 'poo poo' in the potty.  She calls them em-ee's.  She knows baby sign language for potty and poo poo, too.  I am hoping that she will become more verbal about when she has to go instead of me taking her routinely and doing the sit and wait so much.  I can pretty much tell by her actions if she is needing to go but there are those times that I just sit her on the potty and wait, and wait, and wait......  Sometimes  I hear that successful sound and sometimes not. 

My plan is to stick with this for two weeks or so and see if she makes progress.   Until then......

this will be our life!

doesn't she look thrilled to be sitting there!!


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